As you know, RUSS has to submit something to the Council that outlines some of the detail about how it would achieve a community-led self-build development at Church Grove – this is called a Best & Final Offer (BAFO) and is due in mid-August.
RUSS has appointed a consultant team to help it do this, but it wants to make sure the process is member-led, and reflects the aspiration of those that want to live there, those that live nearby, and those that want to see the project happen.
To do this, we are running two Briefing Workshops that will inform the BAFO – These will shape the detailed Strategic Brief that RUSS works to when developing its proposals for the site and writing the BAFO. They will take place as follows:
- Briefing Workshop #1 – Sunday 5th July, 2-5pm, Crofton Park Library (map –
- Briefing Workshop #2 – Sunday 19th July, 2-5pm, Crofton Park Library (map –
It would be really great to see as many members there as possible, as this is the beginning of a significant piece of work we need to do to give shape and detail our vision of building sustainable, affordable, community-led, self-build homes at Church Grove.
Keep an eye on your emails! – We will send out a Draft Strategic Brief, prepared by our consultant team, by Wednesday 1st July, prior to the first workshop.
The team are drafting this now, and it will consolidate all of our thinking to date. We will then have time to consider it before the first workshop.
At Briefing Workshop #1 – the consultant team will introduce themselves and their working methods, before guiding us through an interrogation of the current draft information, where we can add in our ideas and ask any questions. The aim is to establish the main priorities for RUSS and help the consultant team guide our project through the Council’s selection process. A detailed agenda will be sent out on Wednesday 1st July, along with the Draft Strategic Brief.
After the workshop – the consultant team will go away and consolidate everything we talked about, and produce a second draft, called the Interim Strategic Brief.
At Briefing Workshop #2 – the consultant team and RUSS’s Board will present the Interim Strategic Brief for further comment. The aim is to agree that it is sufficient to ask the Board to sign it off as RUSS’s current Interim Strategic Brief, and for the consultant team to refer to in the dialogue with the Council.
If you cannot attend please send you thoughts to Sam Brown : E. / T. 07890 399332