RUSS’s achievements to date wouldn’t have been possible without the dedication and passion of its volunteers, a group of talented, knowledgeable and inspired people who have helped turn RUSS’s vision into a reality.
Perhaps the best example of what we can achieve is demonstrated by the Community Hub. The building was partially financed by more than 320 people, who donated through to our crowd-funding campaign. And in 2019, led by a team of future residents of Church Grove, more than 90 passionate volunteers came together to design, plan and construct the new building.
As a volunteer-led organisation we are always on the lookout for people who want to contribute to our work and vision of affordable and sustainable community-led housing.
You don’t have to become a member to volunteer with us, but it helps! Why not sign up to receive updates about upcoming projects. Read more about membership and sign up here.
Current opportunities
Trustees and a Secretary
We’re expanding and strengthening our Board of Trustees as we appoint a new Secretary and new Trustees.
For details, see

Project volunteers
There are lots of opportunities to learn new skills in gardening and construction with RUSS at 12 Church Grove.
We’re also looking for general volunteers with skills and experience in: community engagement, social housing, property management, organisational development, volunteer management, communications, IT or fundraising.
Get involved.
To find out about volunteering opportunities or get involved please email