Ladywell Self-Build Community Hub is a new community space constructed with self-build volunteers

Saturday 21 September, 12-4pm

Short Talks at 1pm, 2pm and 3pm

A big thank you to all those who volunteered with the construction of the self-build Community Hub – with your enthusiasm and commitment, we have made great progress towards getting the Hub completed.

We are very happy to announce that the Hub will open for public viewing as part of Open House London on Saturday 21st September from 12pm to 4pm. This is one of a number of projects funded via Crowdfund London that are being showcased this year.

The RUSS hub core volunteer team will be on site to answer questions on the day and explain the project and we’ll also be giving a series of short talks about the project at 1pm, 2pm and 3pm. There will also be a display of photos of the build and our wonderful volunteers that made it all possible.

Further details including how to get there: Open House London listing

When visiting:

  • Please note there is no parking at the site and the surrounding streets are restricted to residents parking so we would encourage you to use public transport, see the link above for options
  • The community hub building will be finished but the wider site will still be under construction and we may be finishing off some of the permanent access paths to the hub building. We will ensure there is safe access but we would suggest sensible footwear is worn.
  • Please respect our neighbours when visiting and keep noise to a minimum when on Church Grove and do not enter any private gardens or driveways; please respect their privacy.

Why not combine your visit with a trip to nearby Walter Segal self-build houses nearby in Walters Way? This is the 1980s self-build community that inspired the formation of RUSS –  open from 1pm to 7pm on 21 September, a 10 minute bus-ride away from Church Grove (P4 bus)  – visiting details here

Interested in community-led housing and self-build? RUSS School has modules coming up on 7 & 28 September. Find out more…

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