Stylised photo of Church Grove flats with dates of workshops: Thursday 1, 15, 29 August 4-6pm.

RUSS is delighted to announce that Unit 38 will be delivering the new public play area at 12 Church Grove. 
Unit 38’s approach to the design and delivery of the play space will be guided by a series of playful participatory workshops.
You can read more about Unit 38’s fantastic work with community and housing groups on their website

join us

to design and build

a new

play space at russ

Free for everyone, All ages welcome

Over the summer holidays, workshops will be run by Unit 38 architects and RUSS residents

Workshop 01: ideas walk from Ravensbourne confluence to Church Grove

Workshop 02: designing the play space at Church Grove

Workshop 03: building elements of the play space together

Come along, build your ideas and learn new skills. Drinks and snacks will be provided.

Dates: Thursday 1 August, Thursday 15 August, Thursday 29 August

Time: 4pm-6pm

Where: Most sessions will be at 12 Church Grove. Watch this space for details of the meeting point for the walk on 1 August, or email for more information.


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