We are having another Open Day on the 15th March at Crofton Park Library. We will be discussing and workshopping the issue of creating an effective allocations policy. Who gets to live here? How do we decide?

All the details here: https://www.facebook.com/events/1560868800863740/

This is the schedule of speakers: 

The schedule of speakers tomorrow:
Speakers for the 15th:

10am Sam Brown, Architect and Researcher – Introduction

11am Andy Schofield, East London Community Land Trust – examples of their project. What is their allocations policy? How have they defined affordability?

12am Someone from Sanford Housing Co-op – example of their housing project. What is their membership criteria? How do they select new residents?


2pm Jon Broome, Architect and expert on Self-Build – Allocations, the importance of getting it right. How does it relate to self-build? What happens if someone leaves before completion? How are new self-builders integrated and brought on board?

3pm – Daniel Key, RUSS members – Fundraising: how RUSS has performed recently and what we can do in the future to raise more money.

4pm Kareem Dayes, RUSS member and Secretary – Summary and closing the day. What next?


