April 2024: All flats are now allocated but you can join the contact list to be informed if vacancies arise in future. Email allocations@theruss.org
Waiting list for fixed equity and shared ownership sale
Homes at Church Grove range from one to four bedrooms, and are available with different types of tenure: affordable rented, fixed equity and shared ownership. You can join a waiting list for pools where no homes are available right now, but may become available in the future.
You may be eligible if:
- you work or live in Lewisham, or have other strong connections to Lewisham
- you can afford to buy a flat under this scheme but can’t afford a similar property on the open market. A financial assessment will be carried out by interview.
- for more information, download the brochure

RUSS is a Community Land Trust, dedicated to providing homes that remain affordable in perpetuity. There is a resale price covenant on the homes which means that resale price cap will be permanently linked to the original cost of building (rather than to market value at the time of sale). An individual buyer won’t profit from general housing market inflation in the area, so the homes stay affordable if and when they change hands.

How to apply
You will need to:
- choose the size of home and type of tenure you would like (for details see: Church-Grove-Offer)
- join RUSS as a member by filling in the application form here
- state your connection to the London Borough of Lewisham. This is a condition of our agreement with the council – guidance can be found in the Allocation Policy
- state your household income on the Expression of Interest form, alongside any savings you can put towards your new home.