The inaugural meeting of the Church Grove residents’ group– those lucky people selected by ballot to self-build RUSS’s first homes– took place on 6th May in Deptford. Future neighbours met for the first time, and our architects and project managers
RUSS signs land agreement with Lewisham Council
Friday 29th April 2016 will go down in RUSS folklore as the day we secured the Church Grove site for our first affordable, self-build housing project in partnership with the London Borough of Lewisham. The conditional Development Agreement (DA) paves
RUSS needs your help as we design our first affordable self-build housing project!
Got expertise or skills in architecture, design, sustainability, event organising or administration? Do you want to work with RUSS’ architects and self-builders as they embark on the process of designing new affordable homes for London? RUSS is calling for volunteers